Building the Aviator Solutions brand is much more thancreating a logo. By its definition a brand is:
It is the attributes, associations, expectations,memories, stories, and relationships that a company haswith its key audiences.
It is what people believe the companies stand for. Through branding activities we want Aviator Solutionsto bettercommunicate with its audiences, and ensure that its brandies aligned with the values and characteristics that Aviator Solutions stands for.
Key branding objectives of Aviator Solutions
To stand out from other organizations in theindustry.
To position Aviator Solutions as a reliable and innovative companyand use excellent customerservice to differentiate thebrand.
To be recognized and remembered by the keyaudiences.
What we feel clients want from Aviator Solutions brand
To communicate the approach to work, beliefs andpersonality.
To accurately reflect reality.
To express its aspirations to be innovative; and throughits good work to become a respected brand.
To have an identity that is fit for purposeacross all workstreams and communications.
To have an identity that works for all media,channels and applications.
Aviator Solutions and E-marketing
E-marketing (or e-shot marketing) is the single mosteffective digital tactic that Aviator Solutions canuse to engage withpotential clients, suppliers/ manufacturers and otherstakeholders.
E-marketing has become widespread in thepast decade and is favoured as a direct response andinteractive method due to its comparatively low cost andhigh ROI potential. Email is far-reaching, targeted, andprofitable.
Public Relations and Media
Successful marketing is all about getting your brand outthere. Since Aviator Solutions is seeking to build its reputation one ofthe best methods is using an online press/media kit toensure that journalists, potential clients, third parties suchas trade associations/chambers of commerce and websitevisitors have easy access to information about thecompany.
Aviator Solutions created a list of journalists contacts by keycountries, including journalists and bloggers to connectwith. Blogs and posts are in frequent use in social media.
The Aviator Solutions media kit is not a catalogue or anadvertisement.It’s more like an album consisting of photos and importantcompany news and information - illustrating the correctspelling of key people’s names, professional headshots ofthe founders and other members of staff. It also tells thecompany story and covers their accomplishments andaspirations.
The media kit will also be used for social media activities,either carried out by Aviator Solutions, its staff, or third parties.